Killarney School Council (KSC)
Meeting Minutes
Date: June 13, 2023, 6:30 pm
Location: Microsoft Teams
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Andrea Purdy at 6:33 p.m.
Approval of the Agenda
Add Healthy Hunger update to New Business
Approval of Minutes from May 16, 2023
Motion for approval of meeting minutes made by Leah, seconded by Sharlene
Meeting minutes were approved
Acknowledgement of the Land – Provided by Leah McIntyre
Administration Update – Lea Sherwood and Dan Buchanan
Introduction of Cori Braun, incoming Assistant Principal
24 years of experience with CBE, acting AP of two other elementary schools
Provided a warm welcome to Cori for her incoming role
Congratulated to Dan for taking on Principalship at a new location and thank you for his work at Killarney School this past year.
Staffing Updates:
Staff moving on: Lia Souza, Shelby Curson, Anne MacQuorrie, Susan Webb, Christina, Aiello, Karly Gress, Vaishali Mankar, Jenna Firkus, Dan Buchanan
Still postings out with CBE so may still be some moves with staffing, Lea will let us know if anything changes in the coming months.
Question from Sharlene: What are the requirements for Montessori training for new teachers? Don’t have to have it to come in, typically once they have a continuous posting at a Montessori school then they complete the training after.
Question from Andrea: Is the Montessori training required or requested? It is requested, but often teachers choose to take this. Out of pocket expense that is paid by the teacher and/or some funding may be available through MAPSS or ATA, depending on available funding each year.
All of Killarney teachers who are continuous teachers have completed or are completing training.
Question from Clancy: Jenna Ferkus’s class will get a temporary teacher until the mat-leave she is covering is up for Megan is up in March? Yes, will get a temporary teacher, but will be confirmed before September.
Question from Tara: With Killarney as an alternative school, is there preference given to teachers with Montessori training? Yes, but they almost never exist. Some teachers have been placed, and have an interest in Montessori, but not always.
Question from Tara: Rates of turnover compared to other schools? Lea is not sure. Only one continuous placement has moved on (Lia Souza), all other moves were temporary teaching positions.
Music program will still remain, but is now a 0.8 position, Monday through Thursday, children will have the same amount of music.
Outdoor School 2023/24 booked for Upper Elementary School, June 12-14 th 2024
Question from Shar: What is Outdoor School? Overnight trip to Camp Chief Hector for overnight field experience.
Learning Commons furniture arriving over the summer – thank you to all the support for this.
Great base of volunteers – paved the way for many volunteers to hit the ground running.
Many volunteers have been getting volunteer clearance now. This month has been a busy volunteer month with swimming and field trips.
Hand Foot Mouth outbreak in AM Kindergarten classes (both classes). Lea sent out information on this, children to be kept home until symptoms are cleared. Numbers need to be reported for known cases until next Friday due to Outbreak status.
Classrooms will be receiving a deep clean due to this outbreak. Thank-you to all for supporting Lea in her first year at Killarney School and the rest of the staff and administration.
Provided a thank you for everything this group has done for the community and the school. Learned so much from Killarney and has gratitude for the teachers, students, and parents within the school.
Claire-Laing Chan and Angie Tolton will be moving to Upper El.
Judy McBrien’s class moving to Room 1
Kristen Schulhof is a new teacher to Killarney, has Montessori experience.
Julie Sutherland has been granted continuous status and will be in Room 10 with current
Room 1 class.
Fallon Squire will be full time, 1 AM and 1 PM kindergarten class
Jen Honing will be AM Kindergarten 0.5
KSC Year in Review – Andrea Purdy
Reflections on KSC 2022/23 Year
September: Welcome Back, Welcome to Kindergarten Event, Courtyard Event
October: Broke Ground on Outdoor Learning Commons, World Teacher’s Day, Fall Guessing Table, Halloween Dance
November: COVID outbreak, had to postpone movie night
December: Mayor’s Food Drive, Baking for Killarney Staff for Holidays
January: Securing Grants for Legacy Build
February: Spread the Love Campaign
March: Annual Fundraising Campaign raised over $25,000 for the school, Mental Health Parent Night
April: Movie Night, Spring Guessing Table, MAPSS Casino Fundraiser, Indoor Learning Commons Library Upgrade
May: Spring Dance, Jodi Carrington Parent Night, Won CFEP Grant for $40,000
June: Furniture in Learning Commons, Plants and Amphitheatre Planning, Umbrellas for teachers, Zoo Trip, Sports Day, Staff Appreciation Lunch
Thanks and Gratitude
Andrea provided a thank you to each any every volunteer for making this year a success
Acknowledge the depth of care of all the staff and the legacy that the staff have created.
Thank you to the entire school council team for supporting the school and promote and showcase and be part of the school.
Will miss some key people: Leah McIntyre, Angela Brady, Tara Israelson, Andrea Purdy.
Welcome to all parents who joined the team and will continue keep this school council going.
New Business
Legacy Project Update – Carolyn
Furniture was installed two weeks ago, needs time to set in cement before it can be used
Legacy gardening boxes were removed, new boxes are going in next week
Amphitheatre seating and trees is going in through CFEP funding and Tree Canada
History Book coming to the School
Thank you to Carolyn for driving the Legacy Project!
Healthy Hunger Update – Joanna
Thank you to Belkys for bringing this program back to Killarney School
Survey sent out to parents relating to Healthy Hunger, results reviewed by Joanna
Overall parents were happy to have program back, would reorder from restaurants again for what was included this year, options for future ideas – Booster Juice, Boston Pizza, Tim Hortons, Noodle
Box are some ideas, reasons for not ordering was didn’t like options that were provided or allergies, pricing for particular items – Joanna will send slides for inclusion in the presentation
Old Business
Montessori Moment – Lea Sherwood/Dan Buchanan
Rite of Passage – Acknowledgement and celebration of completion of this stage of a child’s education, prepared to embark on their next step of their journey, next phase of development, understanding who they are from age 12-18. The recognition of the independent child who is ready for the next step, ready to fly!
Junior high admins have said that they know which kids come from Killarney Montessori environment based on their behaviour and actions.
Question from Andrea: Will children be moving between classrooms? Yes, there will be some moves to accommodate numbers and balancing classrooms, but these are minimal. 37 Grade 6’s are graduating this year.
Wrap Up and Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. by Andrea Purdy
Next KSC meeting: Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 6:30pm on Teams
Lea S. – Principal
Taryn H. - Secretary
Andrea P. – Chair
Leah M. – Vice Chair
Dan D. – Assistant Principal
Alina S.
Cori B.
Christie P.
Clancy K.
Elyse M.
Heather M.
Remi L.
Tara I
Ashley G.
Lee B.
Angela B.
Linda L.