2020 marked 150 years since the birth of Maria Montessori, the namesake of Montessori education and its creator. The work of Maria Montessori continues to motivate people to change the world for the better and has impacted the lives of children and teachers for more than 110 years.
To honour Maria’s 150th birthday and celebrate her incredible legacy of Montessori education and her commitment to advocating for the human rights of the child, the Killarney School Council created the 150th Legacy Project.
The purpose of the Legacy Project is to enhance the publicly-accessible outdoor spaces at Killarney School. In keeping with the tenets of Montessori’s educational philosophy, our objectives are to:
Introduce outdoor spaces that encourage land-based learning and connection
Improve outdoor equipment that promotes safe hands-on interaction and exploration for all grades/ages
Enhance the natural landscape to increase public interface with nature
For more info, contact legacyproject@killarneyschoolcouncil.ca
Thank you to our sponsors

Reference links
June 2022 - Summer construction
May 2022 - Design opinion, sponsorship invitation, South mural history: Thom Nelson
Mar 2022 - Design reveal, Judith Doucette and MAPSS
Jan 2022 - Teacher input and opinion, peace garden & Mosaics: Tracy Franks
Dec 2021 -Courtyard Opinion, North mural history featuring Dean Stanton
June 2021 - Who is Maria Montessori?/ How the Legacy Project was born