Why are we replacing the playground?
The playground at Killarney School is coming up on end of life as set out by Calgary Board of Education (CBE) standards, so it will need to be replaced in the next couple of years.
And while we still have a couple of years to replace it, a new playground will cost upwards of $500,000 with no financial support from the CBE. The recently established Killarney School Playground Committee as part of the overall Killarney School Council has started to look at grants and other sources of funding to make this possible and this year's Killarney Annual Fundraiser will be an integral part of kickstarting this journey. Click here to donate!
Playground Project Progress Update
The recently established Playground Committee is composed of parents and Killarney School Administration, in consultation with CBE Facilities representatives.
The scope of the Playground Project is the replacement of the current playground structure and surface material, with a goal to maintain access to a safe and engaging playground for students with a view to increase diversity of equipment and inclusivity for various ages and abilities. The Playground Committee is currently in the process of summarizing student feedback and recent playground build research to inform design criteria, while establishing connections with potential playground suppliers and of course, figuring out how we are going to pay for it all!
For more info or to get involved, contact playground@killarneyschoolcouncil.ca